Online counselling

Online Therapy | Online | Counselling | Remote | Phone | Skype | Zoom | Wimbledon | London | UK

Online counselling, also known as Online therapy, is a flexible option that can allow you to get the support you need from the comfort of your home.

Can I get online counselling even if I don’t live in London?

Yes, I offer Zoom / Skype therapy and online counselling for people who live anywhere in the UK and abroad.

What is Online Counselling or Online Therapy?

Online counselling, also referred to as remote therapy, Skype, Zoom or phone therapy, is a convenient and flexible option to receive therapy when and where it suits you best. Over the recent years the option of remote, online therapy has become significantly and increasingly popular, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic has made it impossible for people to have face-to-face support.

Having online counselling or Skype therapy provide a slightly different experience compared to having in person, face-to-face therapy, with the subtlety of the the non-verbal communications and dynamics that are recreated in the therapeutic room. However, in certain circumstances a face-to-face meeting might not be possible or practical.

What therapies are suited for online therapy or remote therapy?

Skype therapy, phone therapy or online counselling is well suited for several therapeutic approaches such as:

What are the Benefits of online therapy?

Online therapy or remote counselling offers the benefit of receiving therapy from the comfort of your home at the time that works best for you. Remote therapy is the perfect option for individuals that are unable to travel to the clinic, homebound or simply having a very tight schedule, online therapy provides a more flexible option.

How does online counselling work?

Online counselling works in the same way as face-to-face therapy; the only significant difference is that this is delivered online, through Skype / Zoom or over the phone. If you would like to know more, or are interested in booking remote online therapy sessions, contact me so that we can arrange a 10 minute free phone consultation to briefly discuss any questions you may have about me, what brings you to therapy and what you would like to achieve, or we can directly book an appointment for an assessment session at a suitable date and time.

Each sessions last 50 minutes. I will send you an invoice at the end of each session that needs to be paid on receipt. Only the assessment session (our first session together) will need to be paid prior to the session.

To know more about Online Therapy or to schedule an appointment in the Wimbledon clinic or for Online Therapy sessions please contact me.